Ricky just had another speech therapy evaluation. They're always so depressing. Ricky is so smart he just can't say what he's thinking, at least not so other people can understand him. I know what he's talking about most of the time. The notes from the speech therapist say "his phonological skills are judged to be profoundly delayed." I really don't like the word profoundly. It makes it sound like there's no hope, when I know there is. I really believe with everything I have that he will catch up someday. He's making progress every day, a year ago he was saying 4 words, now I can't even count how many words he knows.
I guess what bothers me the most is that there's no explanation for it. He was diagnosed with P.D.D.N.O.S. (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified) which pretty much means they know there's something wrong but they don't know what it is. Maybe if we knew why he doesn't talk right we could fix it. I think I might get his hearing tested again, even though we've had him tested about 10 times and they never find anything wrong.
I worry about him so much.
I'll be in touch,
Misty Dawn
14 years ago
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